Faruq’s Portfolio

Dana Indo Agri - 1


Dana Indo Agri - 1


Dana Indo Agri - 1
Dana Indo Agri - 2

Dana Indo Agri

Tailwind CSS

This website is no longer in use and maintenance. Service has been discontinued. Some functions may encounter errors.

The Dana Indo Agri website is a web application that has an objective to assist the CV. Dana Indo Agri business processes, located in Jember, East Java, Indonesia. This is the final project of the software development class (in Indonesia: pengembangan perangkat lunak). By utilizing this application, the company can easily adjust items to sell through this website.

There were 5 members involved in this project: a project manager, a system analyst, a UI designer, a tester, and a programmer (it's me πŸ˜‰). This website was built using Next.js 12 to build the user interfaces and also the backend processes. Moreover, the data is stored in Supabase.